The Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Research Group is interested in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of different neurological conditions, with a main focus on dementia and neurodegenerative syndromes. Our researchers apply diversified approaches – including Biomarkers, Neuroimaging, and Neuropsychological tests – to investigate neurocognitive aging and related phenotypes.
The CogNeuro is based at the UFMG Faculty of Medicine, Brazil. We collaborate with a diverse network of scientists around the world. Our projects are funded by Brazilian and international agencies, mainly the Alzheimer’s Association, NIH, CNPq, and CAPES.
In the News
COMING SOON – Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination–Revised Calculator Using Mokken Scale Analysis
Dear clinician or investigator, We are pleased to announce that we are in the final stages of implementing a new tool: the Modified Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination–Revised (ACE-R) Score Calculator, based on Mokken Scale Analysis. This tool automates the...
EM BREVE – Calculadora Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination–Revised usando a Mokken Scale Analysis
Prezado(a) colega clínico(a) e/ou pesquisador(a), É com grande satisfação que informamos que estamos na fase final de implementação de uma nova ferramenta, a Calculadora de escores modificados do Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination–Revised (ACE-R), baseada na Análise...
PARTICIPE: 1ª Corrida moviMENTE-se para Prevenção de Alzheimer de Minas Gerais!
Prepare-se para um evento especial que une saúde e conscientização! No dia 21 de setembro de 2024, às 8h, venha correr ou caminhar com a gente no Largo das Palmeiras e ajudar na luta contra o Alzheimer. 📅 Data: 21/09/2024 (sábado)⏰ Horário: 8h📍 Local da Corrida: Praça...