Our Team

Rogério Gomes Beato, MD, PhD

Adjunct Professor




#cognition #sleep #dementia

Thais Helena Machado, PhD

Adjunct Professor




#language  #communication  #cognition

Karina Braga Gomes Borges, PhD

Associate Professor



#metabolism  #dementia  #biomarkers

Elisa de Paula França Resende, MD, PhD

Preceptor and Researcher

#literacy  #memory  #reserve

Leandro Boson Gambogi, MD, MSc

Preceptor and Researcher



#neuropsychiatry  #psychopharmacology  #dementia

Karoline Carvalho Carmona, MD, MSc

Preceptor and Researcher




#SuperAgers  #cognition #dementia

Viviane Amaral-Carvalho, PhD

Neuropsychologist and Researcher




#cognitiveneurology  #neuropsychology  #dementia

Larissa de Souza Salvador, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow



#neuropsychology  #reserve #health

Jéssica Abdo Gonçalves Tosatti, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

#nutrition  #prevention  #dementia

Michele Gomes Ferreira, PhD

Psychologist and Researcher




#FamilyCaregiver #NonPharmacologicalIntervention #Psychotherapy

Patrícia Regina Henrique Peles, PhD

Psychologist and Researcher



#neuropsychology #dementia #alzheimer’sdisease

Marcos Leandro Pereira, MD, MSc

Physician and PhD Student




#memory  #elderly  #primarycare

Karen Rosângela Silva de Souza Saviotti, MSc

PhD Student




#aging  #personality  #PsychologicalAssessment

Marina Isoni Martins, MSc

PhD Student and Neuropsychologist




#cognition  #neurosciences  #neuropsychology

Lilian Viana dos Santos Azevedo, MSc

PhD Student and Physiotherapist



#neurodegenerativediseases  #rehabilitation  #agingprocess

Caroline Martins de Araújo

PhD Student and Speech therapist


#aphasia  #neuromodulation  #neuropsychology

Clarisse Vasconcelos Friedlaender

Master’s Student and Neuropsychologist




#neuropsychology  #cognition  #healthyaging

Aline Campanha, MSc

Speech Therapist




#APP  #language #neurodegenerative

Dreicy Helen de Souza Rodrigues




#memory  #RedLat  #DFT

João Victor de Faria Rocha

Lab Manager





#SuperAgers  #memory #neuropsychology


Raphaella Araújo Bispo Pena






#dementia  #science  #qualityoflife

Laís Soares Figueiredo

Undergraduate Student – Medicine

#dementias  #longevity  #neuropathies

Davi Melillo Cardoso

Undergraduate Student – Psychology




#psychology  #neurobiology  #subjectivity


Caíssa Bezerra de Andrade, MD   icon lattes circle icon

Marina Buldrini Filogonio Seraidarian, MD  icon lattes circle icon

Hugo Almeida Chaves de Resende, MD, MSc   icon lattes circle icon